
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Oduk Investments

Oduk Investments is registered with the URSB as an investment adviser providing asset management to high net worth individuals and institutions worldwide. We uphold the industry’s highest standard of care and help investors reach their long-term goals through active money management. When you hire Fisher Investments to help manage your money, you can expect a personalized, rewarding investment experience and world-class service.

How do i become a client ?

You can become a client by contacting or calling us today at +256 788017034. We’d be happy to speak with you and discuss your goals. We will guide you through every step of becoming a new client. Our hands-on approach respects your time, keeps you informed and reduces the amount of paperwork you need to fill out.

Who owns Oduk Investments ?

We’re privately held, which helps us serve our clients and act in their best interests without obligation to private equity backers or other investors. Learn more about Oduk Investments here.

My question wasnt answered. how can i ask it

Please call us toll free at +256 788017034 or click here to contact us. We’re happy to answer questions over the phone and look forward to helping you. You can also learn more about Fisher Investments here.

What is Oduks investment approach to investmenet ?

We take an active, disciplined and global approach to managing money. We learn about your unique goals and needs so we can create a personalized portfolio for you. Your investment objectives and our market outlook help determine your asset allocation—your mix of stocks, bonds, cash or other securities.

What makes oduk Investments different from other money managers?

Our approach to asset management starts with you. We help our clients reach their investment goals through tailored portfolios built with a dynamic, global approach to asset and style allocation. Other money managers may offer cookie-cutter portfolios or strategies based on a single style of investing. That means you’re getting the same advice as everyone else, regardless of your situation.

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