

About Odula Investment Limited

Oduk Investments Limited is a private company, with its headquarters in Kampala strategizing to invest in banking to elevate businesses in area of TESO region which by definition covers all the areas of Teso under Iteso Cultural Union (All mother Teso districts; Pallisa, Butebo, Mbale, Manafa, Tororo and Buisa) with aim of reducing poverty, promoting resilient communities and creating business through providing cheap capital.

Financial Consulting


Business Investment Loans


Startup capital


24/7 Support

Our Vision

We envision a future in which the Teso subregion region is far more productive and builds far greater wealth for those of us who live here. We will form closer social and community connections with each other. We will buy more of life's essentials from neighbours who produce for our use. Our day-to-day spending will increasingly cycle through our region to build local wealth for our community. As neighbours, we will work more effectively together to make the decisions that shape our future. We will be less dependent on distant suppliers who do not share our interests.

Our Goal

OIL goal is to form and profitably operate Uganda’s number one bank in creating; expanding, and reserving family wealth across generations; and to create a Regional Investment Fund (The Odula Finance) that builds wealth for Teso at all levels of wealth by purchasing shares of stock in local businesses through venture capital. OIL’s strategy is focused on agribusiness/agriculture, renewable energy sectors, livestock, vendors and saving groups with deepened focus on growing businesses aimed at attaining the institution’s vision of “We envision a future in which the Teso sub region is far more productive and builds far greater wealth for those of us who live here. We will form closer social and community connections with each other. We will buy more of life's essentials from neighbors who produce for our use. Our day-to-day spending will increasingly cycle through our region to build local wealth for our community. As neighbors, we will work more effectively together to make the decisions that shape our future. We will be less dependent on distant suppliers who do not share our interests”. .

What we also ensure

We also need to ensure that our neighbours support local firms and businesses, and hence venture capital. Innovation and technology are rapidly changing the finance and investment environment, and “non-banks” are increasingly providing products and services that previously were the exclusive domain of banks. Meanwhile, questions about the core elements of TESO’s economy are being raised as we continue to see deepening poverty

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Art oduk investment limited, we aim at providig you wuth the best loan product that fits your need so that you can grow with us.

Our Vision

We envision a future in which the Teso subregion region is far more productive and builds far greater

Personal Loans

For personal usage such as education financing, house hold item purchase etc..

Salary loans

Loan designed to finance your personal activities.


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